✏️ Hands-on
✏️ Open-ended
✏️ Start-to-finish in 7-14 days
✏️ Grow anytime of year
✏️ Grow on any indoor windowsill, even with low light
✏️ STEM learning, fine motor skills & nature subjects

We provide everything you need, including organic soil, fast-growing seeds, colorful instructions and KnowingNature Planters that will become your go-to tool for exploring nature with your students for years to come.

Pick A Package & Start Growing!

What To Expect

Each planting cycle begins with students opening their soil packs and seed packs, planting seeds in organic soil, bottom-watering & watching the soil absorb the water. In 2-3 days they will see dozens of seeds breaking through the soil and roots peeking out the bottom. Over the entire 7-14 day growing cycle students can pet the plants with their hands (to mimic wind), spin the planters around when the greens lean toward the sun, see the roots through the drainage holes or through our clear/frosted planters, and check if the plants need water by looking closely at the soil and lifting the planters. At the end they cut and eat the flavorful greens they grew themselves. They can even explore the roots up close before composting or discarding the soil and starting a new planting.